Whateley Academy Wiki

This is what happened on Saturday, March 10, 2007 in stories that can be dated.


At Whateley Academy[]

Alya wakes to discover the changes in the night. She is royally pissed.[1]

Elaine Loophole Nalley turns 17.[2]

Joanne attempts to pull a prank on Wondercute and it backfires, although she gets back at Jay-Arm for giving her a 1.7 on the attempt. Then she has an amusing talk with Nacht. Joanne’s friends in the Lit Chix practically drag her to Doyle for a checkup because of what’s happening to her after the incident being used as a test dummy in the sewers.[3]

Ayla confronts Jobe in his lab. Testing reveals someone has sabotaged Jobe's formula. While Jobe continues to investigate, Ayla goes the medical center and panicked reactions ensue. Afterwards Ayla contacts Circé and is informed he cannot reschedule and must attend his first apprentice session unless he is on his deathbed. On the way to see Circé, Ayla (under a normal appearance glamour) and Chaka encounter Majestic and Imperious who disintegrates Ayla's outer clothes and dispel the glamour.[4]

Phase is really pissed off, so when Peeper takes liberties, he gets fried when he sticks his hand into a disruption-light zone. Phase destroys Greasy’s equipment, and then goes to her appointment with Circe. They discuss a number of things, and then Phase files assault-and-battery charges against Peeper and other charges against Majestic. Then the summons comes to see the headmistress.[5]

The Headmistress comes down on Peeper like a ton of bricks. She tells Greasy he is not to do anything technical for Peeper. Majestic gets a warning. Then Phase’s friends drag her out shopping. It actually goes well.[6]

Alex decides to pull her prank. Then she finds that Phase is crying in bed. She decides to….[6]

Alex decides to call off the prank. She adjusts Phase’s alarm to play something that will annoy Phase instead.[7]

In Russelville[]

See Also[]

