Whateley Academy Wiki

Major Terror (real name unknown) appears to be a Batson Factor due to a deal with a demon. His power word is ABAMAGA! He has his own organization, called the Legion of Terror. He appears to have some kind of mage powers. He tries to make a deal with Lady Jettatura to be the muscle on the Grand Hall's projected strike against the Atlantic Heritage Society.[1][2] He is later defeated by Captain Patriot by use of his weakness: holy water.[3]

Before he uses his power word, he's a decrepit old man. His power word calls upon seven entities for gifts of power:

  • Arzazarel for Cunning!
  • Barbaricia for Imperviousness!
  • Arremer for Viciousness!
  • Malaforgia for Fury!
  • Acthros for Relentlessness!
  • Grom for Might!
  • Angallant for Speed!
The launch pulled up to a dock on the prestigious Mt. Adams Yacht Club, where an old man in a wheelchair sat, waiting for them with obvious ill humor, with a much younger man with a superior smirk standing at his side displaying a considerably better mood. The old man was at least eighty, and he wasn’t enjoying his ‘Golden Years’ in the slightest. He was the ‘withered old vulture’ type of senior citizen, emaciated and shrunken, the only hair on his head the bushy eyebrows that accentuated the malice in his grey eyes and the buzzard-like cast of his face. “Welcome back, Lady Jettatura,” he grated through his oxygen mask.[2]
The parties mentioned responded, as a sheet of sulfurous flame enveloped the Major. There was a short scream of pain, which was promptly replaced by peals of deep, rich throaty laughter. When the flame subsided, the wheelchair was still there, but the old man had disappeared. In his place was a tall, handsome, powerfully built man in his prime. He wore a red short jacket with a high collar that had ‘horn’ points which rose up behind his head, over a black high-collared bodysuit with a red trident that showed through the gap in the jacket. He wore black gauntlets and red boots. His face was that of a handsome conqueror, with a goatee over a square jaw, an aquiline nose, and wicked eyebrows over dancing black eyes. His hair was thick, black and lustrous, and swept back from his face with two tufts that vaguely resembled horns. With a rich baritone voice, he proclaimed, “I AM MAJOR TERROR!” With a smug grin, he added in an inside voice, “HELL, I love saying that.”[2]

