Axel appears to be a Siren with a talent that's focused on his guitar. He's Sara's music partner.
- Axel was probably the only boy in the whole school who could call any girl ‘babe’ and retain his manhood. It was just how he was. His uniform was universally rumpled, the buttons of his shirt undone to leave his hairless chest bare underneath, black trousers, school blazer tied around his waist and a long leather jacket over it all. At his feet was his prize possession: a Fender Stratacaster, lovingly kept and restored, handed down to him by his father, he claimed.[1]
He's a member of the Wailers Clique. His two older brothers are "big shots" in the Wailers.[1] Sara discovers that he is gay, when Bluejay makes a pass at Sara and offers to include Axel. He confesses that he is in the closet because he is worried about it hurting his father, and that he knows the 'secret' of Poe. Likely he only knows half.[2]
Axel's powers allow him the control of sonic energy, but apparently not the creation.
Axel’s power was total control of sound and sonic energy. Frequency, tone, energetics, waves, harmonies, all fell under his spell. As long as he had his guitar, he could mess with a crowd’s sense of balance, nauseate them to the point of emptying their stomachs immediately or even, he claimed, cause them to orgasm out of control. Of course, he’d never managed to actually do it.
It also allowed him to play his guitar like a one-man band, synthesizing a full orchestra from a single string.[1]
Axel appears with Sara as a duo in music class up through their performance at the Halloween Dance.[1][3][4][2]
Axel works with Screech to destroy Nimbus's sonic device during the Syndicate attack on the Halloween Dance.[2]
Jericho has a few comments about Axel and Sara during music class.[5]