Whateley Academy Wiki
Whateley Academy Wiki

Belphoebe by Elaborate

Belphoebe Blackadar-Wilkins,[1] is a Drow, 0 years old going on 16. She was created by Belphegor using Jobe Wilkins' reproductive equipment - specifically the cloning chamber he'd created as payment to Nucleic that Belphegor stole. Belphegor then accidentally imprinted the clone with a copy of his own memories.[2]

Headmistress Carson declared that Jobe was her mother (Jobe has also turned into a Drow by this time[3]) and Belphegor is her father. She's rooming with Jobe. Jadis Diabolik takes her under her wing and on a shopping trip to teach her the elements of femininity, in the hopes her personality will evolve to be different from Belphegor's.[4]

Belphoebe has slate black skin with real white hair and sapphire blue eyes. Like Belphegor, she speaks in an affected upper-class British accent. Beyond that, she's a Drow chick - inhumanly lovely, but with a skin color that simply doesn't occur in nature. She appears to be a devisor and exemplar, with a good possibility of also being a mage.

Jobe has introduced her to the Bad Seeds.


Spring 2007[]


