Whateley Academy Wiki
Whateley Academy Wiki

The British Overseas Territory of Kapalangpur is a lovely little island chain in the South China Sea, about 50 miles NNE of Singapore. What is commonly considered an atoll is actually the rim of Nenek Kapala's caldera. The main northern island was built up by Ibu Kapala, now dormant. Anak Kapala is an active volcano on the southern rim of the caldera. Beneath all is a magma chamber providing plentiful geothermal power, so long as the Three Kapalas remain at peace.

While the monarch of the United Kingdom is the titular ruler of the territory, Kapalangpur's Five Houses make the decisions that matter. Each House maintains a façade of legitimacy through one or more multinational corporations, and divides other activities amongst themselves.

  • Batavia Corporation
  • Guardian Resources and Trading Company
  • Bank Munasiq
  • Wuxi Construction, Minerals & Recycling
  • Keluarga Bahagia Entertainment

Land area is limited, so there is no room to waste on landfills or dumps. All sorts of trash and waste are sorted for reclamation via recycling, composting, or use in construction. Thus, locals of all nationalities refuse to eat pork or unidentifiable meats. Closed-casket or empty casket burials are considered to be extremely unlucky for their families.

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