Dafira portrait. By Null0trooper, using ArtBreeder.
Dafira (Estella Jean Nolan) is a freshman student living in Whateley Academy's Whitman Cottage. Her family lives in Akron, OH. Her roommate in Room 236 is Tabitha Dieulafoy.[1]
She's a little over 5 ft tall (5'2") but slender, as expected of a Jedi. Her rose-colored face and the glowing red irises of her eyes is framed by a cloud of silvery metallic "hair". On closer inspection, the hairs are living straight or frond-like tendrils kept suspended by a bioelectrostatic charge.[1] (TLDR: a Mikkian)
ESP-2 (diffuse "extra senses" until more tendrils are mobilized to capture details), EN-2 (bioelectricity, internal energizer).
GSD: Very much like a man o'war's tentacles, her head and body hair are living tissue covered with cnidocytes, making it painful and dangerous to grab her by exposed skin or hair. Dafira's hair includes chemosensors, maving her more susceptible to pheromones and good hygiene than the average Star Wars nerd.
- Home Sweet Homely (first appearance)
- Stepping Out
Fall 2016[]
- 1st Period: Costuming I
- 2nd Period:Biology I
- 3rd Period:Algebra I
- 4th Period:English I
- 5th Period:Lunch 2
- 7th Period:Powers Theory[1]
- 8th Period:Powers Lab[1]
- Whateley Academy
- Class of 2020
- Whitman Cottage
- Bai Yun, RA
- Sci-Fi Club[1]
- Parkour Hooligans (interested)
- Dr. Lawrence, work-study supervisor, Radiologic QA/QC Lab[2]
- Family[1]
- Constance "Connie" Nolan, mother
- Andrew Jackson "Andy" Nolan, younger brother