Whateley Academy Wiki

? Fellows, code name Devilmaster, is a black wizard. He has a day job as a college professor, two children (one of whom, Lindsey, goes to Whateley), and a wife.

“Well…” She left her hand in the boy’s grasp. “…Dad was always just this eccentric college professor, you know? He teaches at … I’m not sure how this works. Maybe I shouldn’t say. We had a pretty quiet life. But… I think I was in seventh grade. My little brother – can I tell his name? – my brother Buster got one of Dad’s ‘Hollow Boxes’. That wasn’t exactly what Dad called them, but it’s what Buster had been calling them ever since I can remember. So Dad would go on these business trips for the college, every couple of months. And when he’d come back, he’d sometimes bring these little box things back, and other stuff too. But we were never supposed to touch them. Dad kept them locked up, and told us they were very expensive, and some of them had old germs and stuff on them.
“Anyway, he appeared in full regalia, and sent the thing back into the box.
“Devilmaster? Shit! You never cross that guy! He’ll have things tracking you down for the rest of your god-damned life, always following, always waiting in the dark!”[1]


His daughter, Lindsey, talks about him at the Bad Seeds meeting.[1]

He's mentioned, but not shown, on Parent's Day.[2]

He's mentioned in a number of other stories.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9]

