Whateley Academy Wiki
Whateley Academy Wiki

Dr. Filbert R. Z. Quintain, M.S., Ph.D., F.A.A.S., is one of the foremost specialists in the field of mutant powers. He teaches at Whateley Academy, and is the author of the textbook Introduction to the Modern Theory of Mutant Powers[1]. He continues his research on the subject.[2]


Dr. Quintain is not a particularly good or motivated teacher, being known for his monotonous droning voice[3] and for quoting his own books verbatim.[4] As a researcher, however, he's a highly motivated and active person.[5][4][2][6]


Developed 1-7 scale for ranking Esper talents, used and admired by Powers Testing wonks throughout the world.[7]

Classes taught[]


Gen 2[]

Potential spoiler:

Dr. Quintain is one of the staff members who disappeared in/from the Whateley Academy tunnel system during the week of August 22nd, 2016. [9]

