Whateley Academy Wiki
Whateley Academy Wiki
High Beams

High Beams, her codename is pretty obvious. By Domoviye, using Artflow.AI.

High Beams (Alexa Killian), from Prince Edward Island, Canada. A 2011 student at Whateley, she is a warper and a cyborg, in Dickinson Cottage. She is roommates with Interest.[1]


When she manifested she contracted Chimerical Trait Acquisition, which started transforming her body into plant matter. She was put into chemically induced hibernation, which slowed down her body's growth long enough for doctors to cut out the many tumours in her body. While she was in hibernation, a government devisor created a devise that is now inside her chest with wires connecting her organs together and wrapped around her bones. It zaps her body several times a day killing the plant DNA and forcing her human DNA to grow.

She is grateful to be alive and awake, but she suffers from chronic pain. When the device zaps her it causes the pain to flare up, she keeps a bottle of prescription pain pills with her to help deal with it.


She is a stocky brunette, with electric blue eyes. She wears long sleeve shirts and pants in all weather to hide the many scars that cover her body, particularly one large scar that goes from her shoulders to her breastbone and down to her naval. She has two sockets under her breasts which she plugs a devised vest into each day. This provides battery power for the devise in her chest, and ensures it is running smoothly. When she presses a button it lights up, if the lights are blue, everything is fine. If the lower light is yellow the battery needs to be changed.

The vest and lights is why she calls herself High Beams.


She puts on a brave face, calling herself High Beams as a joke. And she is happy to be alive and have a future. But the many scars that cover her body are hard for her to deal with.

“Yeah, I don't even like looking at myself.” She got a small, lopsided smile. “You know it's funny. Before this I always wore as little as possible, shorts and t-shirts, crop tops, short skirts, bikinis. And I used to love going to Cavendish Beach in the summer. It's a park close to my parents farm, and great for swimming. There's nothing like swimming in the ocean. It's so much bigger than you, and yet there you are having fun without a care in the world. I didn't go there this summer. I'm still scared my devise will break if I do something wrong, and I don't want to make the little kids cry when they see me.”


Throwing a long sleeve shirt on, her roommate smiled at her. “Sorry, didn't plan on dropping all that on you. Don't worry about me. Just had to rip that band-aid off and it hurt a bit more than I thought it would. I'm alive, I'm healthy, and I have my future ahead of me. Can't ask for much more than that. Now get dressed and lets go get breakfast, I'm starving.”


Warper 2: She can turn 2D. She looks like a living picture and when directly sideways to someone she is effectively invisible. If she concentrates she can cut through things like a laser.


Interest: Roommate and friend.

