Whateley Academy Wiki
Whateley Academy Wiki
Homely title plate

Tabitha Dieulafoy. By null0trooper, using ArtBreeder, gimp.

Homely (Tabitha Ann Dieulafoy) is a Class of 2020 Whateley Academy student, residing in Whitman Cottage. She's from London, of West Indian ancestry. Her parents own several hotel properties in London, serving a varied clientele.[1]


Tabbie's got an athletic shape, with honey brown skin and curly dark brown hair framing a cheerful, bright smile. Her mutant status is reflected in black irises, flecked with red and amber motes.


Tabbie's rated as a PDP-1 (clairvoyant knack: danger sense; telepathic knack: gadgeteer (specializing in civil engineering); her PK field can meld with a structure, giving her insight on what's inside, structural integrity, etc.)[1]

However, that may not be all.[2]

MID as of Tuesday, December 13, 2016:[2]

Mutant Identification Card
Code name Homely
Ratings PDP 1
Techniques Ringing up 999, Running Away, Screaming Bloody Murder, Calling my father.
Weak vs Bad curry, a Normal Human Weakness
Backup / Team Affiliation Underdogs



Fall 2016[]


  • Family[1]
    • Barclay Dieulafoy, father
    • Chevelle 'CeCe' Campbell, mother
    • Trish, older sister
    • Chantelle, older sister
    • Cate, older sister
    • Anthony 'Ant', baby brother
    • David 'Davie', baby brother
  • Friends
    • Evelyn "Evey" de Vyrly, bestie

