Quartermaster Sergeant Instructor Johannes Guillaume de Vyrly, is a career noncommissioned officer of the British Army, replacing Sean Burlington-Smythe at Whateley Academy.
Johannes ("Joe" to his wife, "Sir" to his educated subordinates, "Sergeant Major" to the Septics) would be the first to assure one that South East England isn't all posh, and certainly not London. If only all the other Englishmen he met would get the memo, the country might get itself sorted.
Coming from a Guards regiment of infantry, he takes pleasure in putting the Fear of God into JROTC inspections. The wise ones will ask how to do it right next time and every time. He's no less a stickler for protocol or security, knowing that demerits earned (and corrected!) in cadet training translate into personnel brought back home from the field. If it takes a minute or ten for the bright, shiny, and self-satisfied to figure out how badly they've been insulted, so much the better.
Given their all-too-real duties to protect Her Majesty, WU guardsmen have studied the Dragonslayers' and other anti-superpower tactics with an eye to improve on them. Alone, one lone soldier is in trouble. But there's not one bright spark that can outrun or outfly radio.
Owns a pace stick made of mountain-ash (rowan). He despairs of the school's cadets applying themselves to drill well enough to get much good from its use.
He's tall (190.5 cm), as most Grenadier Guards are, with a rangy, athletic build. He's got sandy brown hair, brown eyes.
Johannes is a baseline. However, he is still a highly trained combat veteran.
- Company Sergeant Major, Grenadier Guards
- Currently assigned to Whateley Academy as Quartermaster sergeant instructor (QMSI)
- Family: A wife, two sons, and a daughter