Miss Marion Henderson is the head librarian at Whateley Academy, and Tennyo's boss.
When she was a child, she was nearly sacrificed by the Children of Hastur to power a dimensional gateway. She was saved by the Mystic Six, in the same mission that resulted in Cirque's death. She spent years in an asylum recovering, before coming to work at Whateley. She knows that Rev. Englund instigated the mission that saved her; indeed, this may have influenced her seeking work at Whateley.[1] It seems she is still sensitive to black magic and/or mythos entities.[2]
She takes her position of Head Librarian quite seriously, and is meticulous in the discharge of her duties. No kinder and gentler librarian, she; the library is a place for serious study, and anyone who interferes with that will feel her considerable wrath. She does have sympathy for those who are in trouble through no fault of their own; she took Tennyo on as staff for this reason.[1] Her history with Rev. Englund results in her having a blind spot for his goals and methods, allowing her to be drawn into his web of lies and deception concerning Sara Waite.[3]
- She is "an older, grey haired woman[...] She was dressed in a floor length, black dress with white trim that had the Whateley crest above her left breast. She was very slender and taller than [Tennyo]. She held herself very straight and had small gold rimmed glasses way down on her nose."[1]