Whateley Academy Wiki
Whateley Academy Wiki

Ophidian (Ekene Banister) is a freshman in Whitman Cottage. She's Whirlibird's roommate.


The Kenyan-American girl has a slim figure compared to some of the other girls. And, she does have exemplar beauty. However, Ekene has a serpentine physiology that imitates the idea of a gorgon, emphasized by the half-dozen green mambas that grow from her scalp.[1] That makes her a different kind of scary. Ekene's eyes feature dazzling green irises that match her scales.[2]

Like Toison, she might even be considered as a potential Venus Inc. candidate.[3] Even Dafira's little brother thinks she's Cool.[4]

For her Combat Final, Ekene decided to cooperate with Max. This being a Crash scenario, that was the correct choice.[5]


She's strong, and gets both a kind of danger sense and 360-degree infrared vision through her semi-independent snakes. They can actually bite and have a strong paralytic venom.[2]

MID as of Thursday, December 15, 2016:[5]

Mutant Identification Card
Code name Ophidian
Ratings EX 3, RE 3. Martial arts - basic.
Techniques Six-pack of Snakebite.
Weak vs Mentalists, Voodoo, Snake charmers.
Backup / Team Affiliation None



Fall 2016[]


Whateley Academy[]

