Whateley Academy Wiki
Whateley Academy Wiki

Peeper, who is forced to take his own photos now. By Rosebunny, using artflow.ai.

Peeper (John Martin[1][2]) was introduced in A Simple Game. He's a persistent background nuisance because of his extreme sexual harassment, primarily justified as 'journalism', as he has a program on W.A.R.S. (the Whateley Academy Radio Station.)[3] which also serves as his platform for his egotism.

Why the Administration hasn't cracked down on him is an ongoing puzzle, especially since WARS has been reimagined as a nation-wide presence. He appears to have reformed, or at least doesn't appear in later stories as the sexist pest. He's also separated from Greasy.

The Sexist Pest version of Peeper with the radio show doesn't exist after approximately 2007-09-22, although there are some stories that show him that way. This is because Greasy has withdrawn and the radio show no longer exists.

He rooms with Greasy in Twain Cottage, and has been known to work at least part-time at the campus store.[4]


Peeper has some form of psychic "x-ray vision" that allows him to see through clothing, and an undetermined number of other objects, but not very deep. He's unable to see through walls if they are at least as solid as sheetrock.[4] He wears masking glasses since his eyes are a penetrating blue, possibly Cerenkov blue.

To his private despair, this renders him unable to use conventional computer screens, though someone (presumably Ayla) developed a work-around later in the school year.


MID as of 2006-12-14:[5]

Mutant Identification Card
Code name PEEPER
Ratings ESP – 2
Techniques Suave chat, Manly eye contact, Awesome interview skills
Weak vs Really ugly bow-wows
Backup / Team Affiliation WARS

Story Appearances[]

He's a constant background character in a lot of stories.

He burst on the scene in A Simple Game.[3]

There are lots of appearances between these two.

His Fall 2006 combat final is against Miasma. He cheats, badly. If they could give him a lower grade than 'F', they would have.[5]

Fey and Phase make a surgical strike against him, with Beltane and possibly Thorn as backup.[6]

In The Banshee's Tale, The Kodiak demonstrates what an Atlantean physician can do by identifying Greasy's problem and providing a medicine to keep it under control. This completely destabilizes the situation.[2]

Greasy moves out of Peeper's room.[7]

Tansy Walcutt, as an act of mercy, pays Jericho to find something so that Peeper can turn his power off and at least not see through clothes. He appears to find something that works well enough.[8]

He appears in All Hallows Ball.


Fall 2006[]

Winter 2007[]

