Robert Robespierre Renfield Ruthven Richelieu Ratcliffe Rose[1], formerly "Bob Rose", wants the code name Thorn, but it's taken. He's with the batch of new students for the Winter 2007 term.[2]
- Kerry’s first thought was that he looked like Willy Wonka. The Johnny Depp/ Tim Burton version, not the Gene Wilder version. He was short- or shortish- or at least he seemed short next to the towering aberration-, slender, and he had an androgynous, delicate, slightly fey beauty to him. To complete the absurdity, he was dressed in Edwardian clothing, complete with an ascot (not a tie, but an ascot), a brocade waistcoat, and a high silk hat.[2]
Robert is a very high level manifestor specializing in ectoplasm, with which he can create various static and animate images, and certain effects along with them. It may yet be an open question as to whether he healed himself using ectoplasm or whether that, along with physical improvements, could be considered a use of MATD similar to Beltane's.[2]
Story Appearances[]
- There's an Angel in Dickinson Cottage (introduction and origin story)
- Even Murphy's Law has Loopholes, Part 2
- Even Murphy's Law has Loopholes, Part 6
- Saks and Violence
- Ecila in Normalland, Part 1
- Siblings and Savages, Part 2
- Straight from the Squirrel's Mouth, Part 6
- A Fistful of Chaka
- Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: Chapter 5 - The Legend of Artegal, or of Justice (The start of a prank war with Beltane.)
- Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: Chapter 9 – The Legend of Arthur, or of Magnificence (He's mentioned as a possible backup in Team Kimba's strike against Peeper.)
- Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: Chapter 10 - The Legend of Scudamore, or of Truthfulness
- Ayla_and_the_Birthday_Brawl, Chapter 11: The_Legend of Florimell, or of Wittiness
- Ayla_and_the_Birthday_Brawl, Chapter 12: The Legend_of_Talus, or of Fortitude
- Ayla and the Mad Scientist, Part 5 (Beltane War downgraded to police action)
- Ayla and the Mad Scientist, Part 8 (Such a cute couple they'd make)
- Ayla and the Mad Scientist, Part 9
- Ayla and the Mad Scientist, Part 15 (still going...)
- Murphy's Laws of Whateley
- The Power of Cute Compels You!
- Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice, Part 2
- Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice, Part 5
- Beltane loyal opposition
- Baird Frobisher friend
- Katrina "Kate" Twardovski Girlfriend-of-sorts[1]