- This page is about the Mystic Six member. For the Whateley alumnus, see Stony (Student).
Nathan Felder (also called Mainwaring[1]), code name Stony, is one of the surviving members of the Mystic Six. Like all of the Mystic Six, he's an atypical avatar with an earth elemental. His power set is currently unknown.
- The two people he introduced us to looked like they had come directly from the Sixties. Nathan was at least seven feet tall. Lisa was probably five nine, but looked small next to him. Both were wearing beaded and fringed vests over tie dyed shirts and jeans. They both had long hair. Hers was brown and his was blonde.[2]
Nathan appears with the rest of the Mystic Six after the hearing to move Tennyo to Hawthorne Cottage.[2]
He appears with the rest of them during the incident of Commander Chipmunk[3] and the Banana Gun.[4]
He appears at the Were's village during the time Paige Donner is adapting to becoming a were-panther kitten, and the Thanksgiving dinner.[1]
Code name given as Stoney[5], and Stony[6] JohnBobMead 22:12, September 14, 2010 (UTC)