Whateley Academy Wiki
Whateley Academy Wiki


According to Jade 3 classes held in Schuster Hall should include Costume Shop I, Beginning English, Algebra I, Powers Theory, Biology, Physics, Chinese and Word processing (in the context of thinking about how to meet up with Jinn between classes, not mentioning any class by name). According to what we know about the functions of the various buildings we should expect physics to be in Kane Hall and bio in Dunn Hall, and perhaps Chinese and Costume shop also in Dunn Hall. I don't think it makes sense to hold the freshman classes in a separate building? Physics and bio at least don't make any difference for being able to meet up since Kane and Dunn are right next to each other and they could meet on the way there from Schuster, or Jinn could wait in front of Kane. Considering the confusion about the functions about the various buildings, particularly Dunn Hall, and that Jade 3 is a very early story maybe we should discount the class/building info there completely? Or should we assume the other classes except those two are all in Schuster? Or even including those two, assuming some freshman class exception? Addiab 01:37, May 26, 2010 (UTC)

Homer gallery:  Broken Link.

We have a search criteria that poits to Schuster hall's page, but no information on the Homer Gallery.  Should correct that. 17:13, September 27, 2014 (UTC)

Homer Gallery[]

Good point. Fixed. --Sir Lee (talk) 03:01, September 28, 2014 (UTC)