Wakanda (Mariselle Baptiste), nicknamed Mari, and good friends call her Wacky,[1] is a student at Whateley, in Dickinson Cottage and member of the Tigers[2].
Wakanda is from Haiti and her family has long suffered from a demon they call "He Who Does Not Walk". His arrival is indicated by signs starting with a dead raven alighting on your doorstep, followed by a rain of serpents. Her parents and grandparents were killed by this demon, the victims appearing hollowed out and their skin being melted away by acid after a few hours.[3] The demon has spent decades killing her entire family line. After each death the time between murders gets shorter.[1]
Wakanda was living in an orphanage when she started seeing the signs, shortly before her 13th birthday[1], and everywhere she fled to the signs soon followed. After manifesting her precognition led her to a yellow house where a man who had tried to help her parents sent her to Whateley[1]. The school wards apparently protect her. Being aware that this is only temporary safety she is desperate for a more permanent solution, approaching Carmilla for help despite seeming to be terrified of her.[3]
She ultimately turned down Carmilla's offer of protection, which would have required becoming part of her harem.
She spent most of her first year at Whateley taking remedial classes to catch up in her education and learning to fight with the tigers.[1]
She has light brown skin, black hair braided and fastened with hairclips to create an ‘artfully dishevelled’ look, a long, slender neck and is moderately tall.[3]
She tends to wear old clothes. Her nicest outfit is her new school uniform which she wears when she guides a group of Dickinson freshmen around the school.[1]
- Wakanda is a precog.[2] She can see a split second into the future with near perfect clarity, and can occasionally see a few minutes into the future. When fighting, she enters a trance and relies purely on her precognition, closing her eyes to get a better sense of the future.[1]
- She has a very strong danger sense.[1]
- She can see connections between people and objects. At first she could only see it as a white thread and didn't understand what type of connection it was. But through training she can see the emotional or magical connection.[1]
- She is an Exemplar 2.[1]
- She gets hunches and feelings for certain things. These usually prove to be useful, and has on occasion saved her life. There is also a voice in her head that seems to guide her. Telling her what to say, or giving advice. What this voice is, is uncertain.[1]
Fall 2006[]
- Introduction to Basic Mystic Concepts Fourth Period[3]
Main Character
- The Tigers: Member
- Storyteller: Roommate and best friend
- Stunner: Friend
- Stinger: Friend
- Interest: Friend
- Shuttle: Enemy
- Helsing Family: Got her to Whateley
- He Who Does Not Walk: Demon hunting her.